Fostering Life: Ausztrália állatjogi és mentőcsoportja - 1/2 rész    1. rész
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HOST: Welcome excellent viewers to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. The Animal Rights and Rescue Group, an Australian non-profit organization founded by Barbara Steffensen in 1995, seeks to rescue homeless, abused, abandoned and unwanted animal companions and place them with foster carers until they can be taken in by a suitable home.

It is the only no-kill rescue group in the Northern Rivers region in the state of New South Wales. No-kill means that no animal is ever euthanized unless they are so seriously injured or ill that they cannot be saved.

For more information on the Animal Rights and Rescue Group, please visit

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Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s Operation Waltzing Matilda
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Hősiesség működés közben - Chris DeRose, a Last Chance for Animals alapítója, 1/2 rész
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Brilliant Benevolence: The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
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Holdmedve mentés az Animal Asia által
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