A Supreme Master TV 3. évfordulós ünnepsége egyesületünk tagjaival & barátokkal, 1/2 rész    1. rész
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Good-hearted viewers, today is the third anniversary of Supreme Master Television!
Welcome to our program, A Journey through Aesthetic Realms, as we commemorate this special occasion with well wishes, heartfelt greetings, and vibrant performances by our Association members and friends from around the globe.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, the beloved inspiration of our channel, has continually informed the world of a simple solution to save our planet from global warming – the organic vegan diet.

As more and more individuals embrace this Earth-saving lifestyle, one can hope for and envision a perfectly veg planet, filled with peace, beauty, and compassion.

What a joy that would be! Angels and animals will rejoice with all Earth citizens! Mountains and rivers will flourish! The sun, the moon and stars will smile and applaud! Plants and flowers will blossom in myriad colors! With that exciting prospect, lease join us in this constructive and optimistic spirit for a glorious era. Welcome to Supreme Master Television’s 3rd Anniversary Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends!

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