EGÉSZSÉGES ÉLETMÓD A Nyers Szellem Fesztivál 1/2 rész   
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Greetings,peaceful viewers. This is Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television,where we will travel to Sedona,Arizona,USA to attend a unique,three-day festival dedicated to raw foodism.

Hallo,and welcome to the fourth annual Raw Spirit Festival here in beautiful Sedona,Arizona beneath the famous red rocks,amidst trees and ponds on this beautiful lawn. The Festival is the largest raw vegan Eco-peace celebration on the planet. This is more than a raw vegan food festival.

The vision of the non-profit group that organizes this Festival strives to integrate healthy living,eco- sustainable solutions and world peace because they believe that together these comprise a comprehensive strategy for addressing current global challenges.

At the Festival one can hear ancient wisdom and the latest findings from some of the greatest minds in healthy eco-living. The Festival includes over a hundred dynamic speakers,fascinating health seminars and 250 vendor booths. We have creative children’s programs here,a chocolate emporium and a raw vegan restaurant food court.

There is an art garden,world class music,dancing,poetry,theater,raw vegan demos and tasting parties. There’s a sacred exercise area for yoga,etc. and even a meditation circle,nature trails and more.Also included in this weekend are raw vegan meals every day for all who are in attendance.

We’re excited to be here and we’re going to start exploring now,so come along for the fun.

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Léböjt a békéért 1/4 rész - 2009. március 7, Culver City, CA, USA
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EGÉSZSÉGES ÉLETMÓD A megfiatalodás íze Annie Jubb nyersétel szakértővel - 1/2 rész
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Öko-főzés Bryan Au nyers szakáccsal és íróval: Gyümölcs tavaszi tekercs és Csokoládés fánk
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