EGÉSZSÉGES ÉLETMÓD Növényi erő által hajtott atlétikai kiválóság   
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Welcome, nergetic viewers, to this week's Healthy Living featuring two vibrant fitness and nutrition experts who will discuss why the vegan diet is the best choice for those seeking to achieve peak athletic performance and life-long health, as well as the advantages of regular exercise.

Vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier of Vancouver, Canada has been competing professionally since 1998, and in the past decade has achieved top 20 finishes in Ironman triathlons, non-stop competitions involving a 3.86-kilometer swim, a 180-kilometer bike ride and a 42-kilometer run. Mr. Brazier is also the author of several books, including the best-seller 『The Thrive Diet,』 which introduces readers to the plant-based, whole-foods lifestyle. In addition he's a popular speaker on exercise, nutrition, and the environmental benefits of the vegan diet, and has his own line of convenient, vegan meal-replacement products called Vega.

Lindsey Von Kleist is a vegan professional master fitness trainer at Xclusives Complete Fitness Center in Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA, who counsels clients on diet, daily exercise plans and wise lifestyle choices. Both Brendan and Lindsey see more and more athletes and fitness enthusiasts embracing the vegan diet because of its many benefits.

Brendan: There are fortunately a lot more athletes who are starting to eat plant-based (foods). Vegan athletes are becoming less and less unique and within 10 to 15 years I think that will basically be the standard.

I don't think athletes will eat animal products anymore, not ones who want to be competitive. I really think that's the way things are headed. And we will see records being broken too. Athletically we are going to continue to see better and better performances. And part of that is going to be attributed to their their better nutrition. So I think it's going to play a big role in the future of sport.

For more information on today's guests, please visit the following websites Lindsey Von Kleist Brendan Brazier Books by Mr. Brazier are available at His vegan food line is available at

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