Aranykori technológia A recikli: Jótékony célból szárnyaló repülő bicikli   
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John Carver (m): I was originally inspired to do the trip by the possibility I have as a school teacher, I have this wonderful eight weeks summer holiday, and I knew with a flying bike adventure like this I’d be at the mercy of the weather, and I thought I need a decent period of time, perhaps a month in order to do this trip.

HOST: Cordial viewers, halo and welcome to Golden Age Technology on Supreme Master Television. Today we visit England to meet an extraordinary man who undertook a fantastic journey spanning the length of the United Kingdom on a Flyke, or flying bicycle. John Carver is just an everyday Englishman: a 37 year-old Information Technology teacher at Cothill House School in Oxford with a passion for flying. He is diabetic and was looking for a way to support research seeking a cure for childhood diabetes.

Mr. Carver then came up with a unique fundraising idea; a venture that had never been attempted before on a Flyke. He decided to fly and ride his three-wheeled flying bicycle the entire length of the United Kingdom, from the south of England to the northern tip of Scotland.

For more details on John Carver, please visit
For information on the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation, please visit

Kapcsolódó link
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