"Fogd és fuss készlet" az életben maradásért, Matthew Stein, a vészhelyzetekre való felkészülés szakértője társaságában - 1/2 rész   
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Mr. Matthew Stein is a mechanical engineer and graduate of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. As the owner of Stein Design & Construction and a designer, he has built hurricane resistant and eco-friendly homes, and designed everything from water and bacterial filters to portable fiberglass buildings.

In a meditation session, Mr. Stein had received a message urging him to write a comprehensive manual for survival skills, as many people would benefit from it in the future. People he spoke with also encouraged him on the idea.

Using his excellent engineering skills and talent, Mr. Stein spent several years researching, consulting, and writing. The result is book, “When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency.”  Mr. Stein would share his developed expertise on numerous radio and television programs such as on Fox News, as well as through published articles and as a guest columnist for the “Huffington Post.”

Mr. Stein (m): Nobody drives down the road and says, “Gee, I want to get in a head on collision today.” No,  you buy insurance and you pray to God that you're never going to need it, and if that day should come,  anything happens, then you thank God you have that insurance. And disaster prep is like that. You hope you never need any of this stuff.

HOST: How many of us are prepared for a major cyclone or earthquake? How would we cope if the water stops flowing out of the tap, or if gasoline and electricity were unavailable, or if the doctors and hospitals are overloaded and there was a medical emergency? As we are about to find out, Mr. Stein’s short-term 72-hour “Grab-and-Run Kit” could help tremendously, especially during the period before government help may be able to reach emergency victims. He freely shares some of the essential items and survival know-how today.

For more information about Mr. Matthew Stein’s Grab-and-Run Kit and other useful resources, please visit

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FÖLD BOLYGÓ: SZERETŐ OTTHONUNK Dr. Jim Goltz: Túlélni egy földrengést - 1/2 rész
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