Tudomány és Spiritualitás Dr. Jeffrey Long: A túlvilág bizonyítéka - 1/3 rész   
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HOST: Welcome, noble viewers, to Science and Spirituality  on Supreme Master Television for the first in a three part series on near death experiences or NDEs. For many years NDEs were not seriously examined or openly discussed by the scientific community. Recently however, thanks to a growing number of scientific studies and research efforts, thousands of NDE accounts have been formally documented worldwide.

For more than 10 years Dr. Jeffrey Long, a radiation oncologist from Louisiana, USA, has been at the forefront of this movement and has contributed immensely to the advancement of near death experience research.

Dr. Long(m): A near-death experience may be defined as two components—being near-death, and having an experience. The near-death part means that the person is so physically compromised from some accident or illness that they’re generally unconscious and may even be clinically dead.

They’re so physically compromised that if they don’t improve physically, they will suffer irreversible permanent death. And yet at that time, when they’re unconscious and should have no possibility of a remembered conscious event during that period, they do have the experience part of a near-death experience.

HOST: Dr. Long’s comprehensive collection of surveys and evidence of near death experiences from across the globe is presented in a recently published book he co-authored entitled, Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.

The non-profit Near Death Experience Research Foundation was founded by Dr. Long and his wife in 1998 and serves as a platform for people from all walks of life to share their personal NDE stories with the public by submitting them online at the Foundation’s website.

A 100-item questionnaire is used to screen all submissions to assure only those who have truly undergone a near death experience have their story recorded by the Foundation. The website contains the largest known database in the world of individual NDE accounts. Let us now learn more about near death experiences from Dr. Long.

For more details on Dr. Jeffrey Long, please visit www.NDERF.org
Dr. Long’s book Evidence of the Afterlife is available at www.Amazon.com

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