Vegetáriánus Elit Franci Blota vegán capoeira mester a brazil művészetet magyarázza (portugál nyelven)   
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Greetings smart viewers! Today’s Vegetarian Elite features Franci Blota, a vegan master of capoeira.
Capoeira is a Brazilian cultural expression that combines music, dance, sports, personal defense,
and a lot of fun. It originated most likely in the sixteenth century and was first introduced by Angolan Brazilians. Franci Blota has mastered this artistic sport and teaches others to do the same.

Franci Blota (m): Capoeira is known as a low bush, grass - all bushes where we used to play on at the squares, on soccer fields – are called capoeira. That´s where the name came from, because it was created in this place,in this environment.

HOST: Many action movies with the famous American actor and film producer Wesley Snipes contain
scenes showing capoeira.  Mr. Snipes himself is a capoeira practitioner. Also, the Grammy Award winning Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin, and other famous musicians such as the Black-Eyed Peas and Carlos Santana, have also demonstrated this energetic Afro-Brazilian art expression in their work.
It is said that breakdancing was influenced by capoeira.

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