Odaadó kutya hősök: American Search Dogs Inc és Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs Utah, USA   
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Search and rescue dogs serve on the frontlines locating people missing after natural disasters, lost children, injured hikers and others, being ready at a moment’s notice to bravely endure the elements and save lives.
Supreme Master Ching Hai, world renowned humanitarian, artist and spiritual teacher, speaks of her admiration and concern for these devoted canines.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And I saw many dogs, you know, they used for rescue mission. Oh, they just walk in like nothing, but I feel so bad about them.

The dogs walk in the sharp, broken glasses or anything like that. Even chemical leaking or anything, or germs or danger.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And these are precious dogs. They have been trained for years. And they even lay down their life for anyone at command. You have to protect that dog.

HOST: To show Her loving support for search dogs and their human partners, Supreme Master Ching Hai has generously contributed more than US$100,000 to search-and-rescue teams in 21 countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Iran, South Korea, Malaysia,
Nepal, New Zealand, Panama, the Philippines, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.

Today’s program features two of these courageous teams, namely American Search Dogs and Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs of Utah, USA. Founded in 1989, American Search Dogs is an Ogden, Utah, USA-based certified professional search dog unit that provides free assistance to families and police who are searching for missing and lost persons.

The non-profit group is made up of multiple human-dog search teams as well as members who play a support role to those in the field.

For more details please visit: American Search Dogs
Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs

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