Afrika büszkesége szövetben: Bemutatkozik Rose Mabunda zulu ruhatervező (zulu nyelven)   
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HOST (IN ZULU): Cheerful viewers, welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.

Today we will visit the lush land of South Africa to discover the beautiful heritage of the Zulu people through their traditional dress. Every year, several cultural festivals are celebrated in South Africa with folk dances and rituals to express the Zulu people’s faith in God.

One of the most vibrant demonstrations during these events is the traditional dress of Zulu women.
The colorful styles and decorations are rich in symbolism. Ms. Rose Mabunda, founder of Tsalemane Art and Culture, is a designer of Zulu and other African-inspired traditional costumes.

Rose (f):Zulu clothes are very beautiful. We like to wear traditional clothes because when you are wearing this you look like a real African.

HOST: One of the unique aspects of Ms. Mabunda’s designs is the merging of modern and traditional elements. She introduces us to her elegant designs and the important meanings behind the clothing and accessories.

Kapcsolódó link
Mpumalanga, Dél-Afrika: A felkelő nap helye (Sepedi nyelven)
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Büszkén afrikai: Mesés divat Issah Al-Hassan ghánai divattervező által (ewe nyelven)
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