A Holdújév mongol ünnepségei (mongol nyelven)   
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Welcome, graceful viewers to Supreme Master Television.
Mongolia is rich in the culture and tradition of the native people,and the lunar new year is certainly one of their grandest celebrations. In Mongolia,the first month of the year is called the White Month,which symbolizes a pure and clean start to the year.

On the first day of the white month, family members gather together, wishing each other joy and happiness, and at the same time leaving behind any negative feelings of the past.

Families commemorate this special time with an abundance of food. They are decked in their colorful traditional clothes representing the tune of the year to come.

Kapcsolódó link
Ismételt sugárzás - "Mentsd meg a Világunkat" koncert Mongóliából 1/8 rész (mongol nyelven
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Videokonferencia Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mesterrel, Globális felmelegedés – SOS Nemzetközi Konferencia - 1.rész 2009. jan. 27. -Mongólia (angolul és mongolul)
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