Ghana arany szíve, Rocky Dawuni zenész - 1/2 rész   
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Music, lyrics and vocals by Rocky Dawuni
(In English)
I stood upon a rock,
on your holy mountains,
beholding your beauty,
overcame me like a song.
My cup overflows with joy, hearing sound of prayers and bells
My faith was once weak, but now you make me strong.

HOST: Greetings celestial souls and gracious hearts, welcome to Enlightening Entertainment featuring international singing sensation from Ghana, West Africa, Mr. Rocky Dawuni. He has been likened to legendary vocalist and peace-seeker from Jamaica, Mr. Bob Marley. Rocky is a true inspiration. He chooses to use his God-given musical talents to promote humanitarian causes. He also empowers people to change their life to help make our world a better place.

video from Ghana 50 “Change the world”
We have the power (We have the power)
To change the world (To change the world)
Whenever we want to (Whenever we want to)

HOST: Spirituality, an open heart, and inspiration run deep in the world of Rocky Dawuni.

Rocky Dawuni(m):  My inspiration comes from life, and humanity. And life and humanity, I believe is centered within God. So ultimately, God inspires me. So I find music wherever life is and that is what really inspires me.

And I also try because from my onset, coming from Africa, I was very fortunate to grow up in a very spiritual family. My family was steeped in the traditions, African traditional, religion.

But then as I grew up, I also made it a point to really study from Christianity to Islam, and read some, Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita. And through that, what I realized was that the concept of God was just one within every culture and every place, and it’s just the interpretation that usually gives it its uniqueness.
So with that, my inspiration comes from life as it is, everywhere, yeah.

HOST: In 2003, Rocky established his own musical venue in Los Angeles, California, USA called “Afro Funke”  to promote and celebrate the beauty and oneness of African music. Rocky’s sincere heart and pure motives have attracted legendary superstars such as Prince and Stevie Wonder to visit his club.

Rocky Dawuni(m):  The thing is that I don’t look back, you know what I mean, because there’s always challenges ahead. My all-ultimate thing is the unity of Africa and then peace on Earth.

So that’s a really tall order. Every generation and every time and every day comes with its challenges, and what I think is that music, because it’s really a living thing, once you put it out there, you inspire people within their hearts. They shine their light, and in so shining their light too, they help others to shine their light.

Zion Train
Music, lyrics and vocals by Rocky Dawuni
“Zion Train”
Saying if you’re going the same direction
Oh children!
Zion train is coming our way
Get on board now Woo!
Zion train

To find out more about Rocky Dawuni,
please visit:

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