Világ Ragyogó Könyörülete Díj: Fókák megmentője - Francois Hugo, a Seal Alert South Africa alapítója, 1/2 rész   
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The sound of undulating waves engulfs one’s senses in the rhythmic heartbeat of the majestic ocean.
Within the water, the seals inhabit this ethereal, marine realm. Graceful, aquatic acrobats, these precious creations of God, are in perfect communion with the divine in their oceanic world.

Mr Hugo (m):They are full of emotions; they respond to you; they they answer your calls. Although they are wild seals they they behave as intimately as any animal that you’ve ever encountered would.

HOST: How could anyone have the heart to harm these noble beings? This is a question that Mr. Francois Hugo asks himself every day as he saves the lives of numerous seals in his native South Africa as well as in Namibia.

Mr Hugo (m): These animals function exactly like us humans. They think for themselves,they think what is right; they think what is wrong for them. And when they see other people around them helping them, understand. And you have to believe in that.

HOST: For five million years, the Cape Fur seals or South African seals have lived in their natural habitat on islands off the coast of the African continent.

However, within the last 600 years, humans have drastically reduced the population of these seals and endangered the species’ continued existence.

Mr Hugo (m): Seal Alert represents seals and the Cape Fur seal species. It’s the only species of seal breeding on the African continent. It’s been subjected to many, many centuries of abuse, and my job is to reverse that abuse,and to get them back on the evolutionary path and in so doing, protect them and save them for the future.

HOST: Founded in 1999 by Francois Hugo, Seal Alert South Africa is a pioneering seal rescue organization that takes a hands-on approach to addressing the cruelty to and abuse of seals through advocacy, campaigns, and introduction of legislation.

Seal Alert also investigates the injustices done to seals as well as rescues and rehabilitates the animals, successfully transitioning them back to the wild.

For more details on Seal Alert South Africa, please visit
Or contact Francois Hugo at
+27-21-790 8774

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