HAGYD ABBA A KEGYETLENSÉGET AZ ÁLLATOKKAL Meg nem hallott sikolyok: A pulykák gyötrelme   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about animal cruelty.

HOST: Turkeys are highly intelligent, loving animals admired by the great US statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin, who referred to the turkey as 『a bird of courage.』 During the debate over choosing a national symbol for the new nation, Mr. Franklin advocated that the turkey, rather than the Bald Eagle,
best represented the United States.

In nature turkeys live up to 12 years, have strong feet and legs, can run up to 40 kilometers an hour and fly up to 88 kilometers an hour for short distances. These amazing birds are also highly social and caring animals that live together in flocks.

HOST: On today’s Supreme Master Television’s Stop Animal Cruelty series we’ll reveal the horrors of the turkey industry. In the United States Thanksgiving is a national holiday, a day to celebrate with family and friends and give thanks to God, but for turkeys it is a time of great suffering and death.

The act of having turkey for Thanksgiving dinner or for any other occasion can in no way be considered celebratory; instead it is deplorable, inhumane and senseless exploitation of our innocent fellow beings.
The following is an excerpt from the documentary 『Stuffed,’’ produced by the non-profit British animal welfare group Vegetarians International Voice for Animals or Viva! The undercover footage, recorded at several UK turkey farms, is both shocking and appalling.

For more information on ending the cruel turkey industry
please visit: VIVA!: www.VIVA.org.uk

Mercy for Animals: www.MercyForAnimals.org

Compassion Over Killing: www.COK.net

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HAGYD ABBA A KEGYETLENSÉGET AZ ÁLLATOKKAL Állj fel és szólalj meg: A kanadai Szövetség a tenyésztett állatokért
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HAGYD ABBA A KEGYETLENSÉGET AZ ÁLLATOKKAL Az állati rossz játék áldozatai: Nyomorúságos telepekre korlátozott csirkék
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