Dr. Jeffrey Masson az állatok érzelmi életéről   
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HOST: Do elephants really weep when they feel sad? Do pigs smile when they’re happy? In his thoughtful, well-researched books, vegan author Dr. Jeffrey Masson of New Zealand answers these and countless other questions about the inner lives of animals.

Hallo, warm-hearted viewers, and welcome to today’s episode of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants featuring critically acclaimed author Jeffrey Masson, who has written 10 books on the emotional lives of animals. Dr. Masson has appeared on TV shows around the world, including the highly popular Good Morning America
and The Oprah Winfrey Show in the US.

In addition, his books 『When Elephants Weep』 and 『Dogs Never Lie about Love』 have become international bestsellers, and his latest work, 『The Face on Your Plate,』 presents a moving portrayal of the cruel, immoral practice of factory farming.

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson holds a doctorate in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit from Harvard University, USA and is a former professor at the University of Toronto, Canada.

After many years of teaching and working in the field of psychoanalysis, Dr. Masson suddenly found himself at a crossroads.

Jeff (m): I was 40 years old and I had to decide what was I going to do with the rest of my life. I had stopped being a professor, I had given up my post.
I was no longer a Freudian analyst. The question was what was I going to do with the rest of my life?

Books by Jeffrey Masson are available at JeffreyMasson.com

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