JÓ EMBEREK, JÓ TETTEK Az erdők őrangyalai: Az angliai Woodland Trust   
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HOST: Nature-loving viewers, welcome to Good People, Good Works. Today’s show features the Woodland Trust, a non-profit UK organization dedicated to protecting Britain’s ancient woodlands, restoring forest biodiversity and informing the British public about the importance and value of their nation’s forests.

In the UK, the term 『ancient woodlands』 refers to wooded areas that have existed since at least 1600. However, since the 1930s 50 percent of such forests have been felled or otherwise negatively impacted by development and other human activities.In addition, half of Britain’s remaining woods are five hectares or less.

In 1972 retired farm machinery manufacturer and environmentalist Kenneth Watkins of  Bromley, Kent, England realized that his country’s majestic trees were fast disappearing and thus saw the need to conserve what he felt were national treasures.

Jerry Langford, director of the Trust, tells us more about this remarkable man.
Jerry(m): Ken Watkins had this great passion for woodlands.
Jerry(m): In the early 1970s a lot of small woodlands in this country were just being destroyed. They were being cleared and the land converted to farming, because there was no protection for woodlands. He was very concerned about this.

So he got together with really just some friends of his and said, 『Well I’m going to set up a charity to protect woodlands,』 and he just went out and bought a woodland in the southwest of England and started doing this regularly.

And so very quickly he turned it into a UK-wide organization and for the first ten years or so the Woodland Trust just bought woodlands.

HOST: With the help of more than 160, 000 members andover 200,000 supporters from around the country, the Trust has planted 8 million native trees in the UK to date.

The Woodland Trust also cares for more than 1,000 British woodlands covering 20,000 hectares.

For more information on the Woodland Trust, please visit www.WoodlandTrust.org.uk

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