Peace-loving: A Visit with Bethlehem Mayor the Honorable Dr. Victor Batarseh & Palestinian Co-citizens (In Arabic)   
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Greetings, gracious viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master Television.
Palestine, a cradle of human civilization and great heritage site of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is the home of 4 million people.

In today’s program, we are delighted to meet some of the friendly people of Palestine.   The honorable Mayor
of Bethlehem has invited us to see him.

Dr. Victor (m): I'm Dr. Victor Batarseh, the elected Mayor of Bethlehem. For the past four years, I've been the Mayor of this great holy city of Bethlehem. 

HOST: We also get to know a dedicated Palestinian journalist.

Mr Olayan (m): My name is Ghassan Olayan. I am from Batir village which is located about 6, 7 km from Bethlehem.

HOST: A vibrant tour guide also shows us beautiful sites in the Holy Land.

S (m): My name is Sayed, I am 25 years old.

HOST: They will be sharing with us about the Palestine they see in their own hearts, in their warm-hearted people, and the place they call homeland.

HOST: The Honorable Dr. Victor Batarseh, Mayor of the city Bethlehem, is a Christian, a distinguished medical doctor, and proud native of Palestine.

Kapcsolódó link
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