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HOST: Greetings and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. The Asiatic Black Bear, also called the Moon Bear because of the crescent shaped white patch on their chest, is found throughout Asia.

Moon Bear mothers are highly devoted to their cubs and raise them for about two years before they become independent. These Bears are able to walk upright just like you or I for short periods!They are accurately described as fun-loving and happy.

Asiatic Black Bear bile is used in traditional Chinese medicine, but according to highly respected practitioners of this school of medicine, the substance can easily be replaced with natural herbs or synthetic alternatives.
These innocent animals are imprisoned in small boxes known as extraction cages or 『crush cages』 on so-called 『Bear bile farms』 in China, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and South Korea. 

The merciless practice of extracting the animals’ bile causes them immense pain, anguish and fear. For over 15 years, Jill Robinson, the vegetarian founder of the Hong Kong-based Animals Asia Foundation and recipient of the Shining World Leadership Award fromSupreme Master Ching Hai, has worked tirelessly to save the precious lives of Moon Bears.

As part of its 『Healing Without Harm』 initiative and through billboards in China with the slogan 『Rescue Black Bears – Give Up Using Bear Bile!』 the Foundation informs the public about the suffering of these gentle animals.

In addition, Animals Asia has opened a Moon Bear rescue center in Tam Dao National Park, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and in Chengdu, China where Bears freed from bile farms live out their lives in peace and comfort.

On today’s program we will show you excerpts from the award-winning short film entitled 『China Bear Rescue…the beginning』 directed by Libby Halliday and produced by the Animals Asia Foundation,about a group of Bears rescued from bile farms and given loving care and rehabilitation.

The work sincerely depicts the tremendous efforts of all involved in healing the Bears through compassion and commitment.

For more about Animal Asia Foundation
Please visit :

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