HAGYD ABBA A KEGYETLENSÉGET AZ ÁLLATOKKAL A mészárlás homokja: A fokföldi medvefókák brutális gyilkolása   
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The images presented in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they are to us. However, we need to show the truth about animal cruelty.

HOST: Caring, concerned viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s Stop Animal Cruelty program will examine the annual massacre or 『cull』 of Cape Fur Seals in the southern African nation of Namibia.

These seals are classified as an endangered species according to the Convention in Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The cull, or destruction of seals to reduce their population, recently made worldwide headlines as the rescue organization Seal Alert SA (South Africa) offered to buy out the entire Namibian seal industry and thus effectively end this vicious practice.

The offer was made before the start of the 2009 seal culling season, which extends from July 1 to November 15.

As US$14 million was needed to be raised to make stopping the violence forever a reality, Supreme Master Ching Hai, hearing of this noble endeavor, lovingly pledged US$200,000 towards the effort on June 29, 2009.

Soon after, the cull was delayed until July 15, 2009 for further negotiations between Seal Alert South Africa and the industry. Currently the organization is still working hard to raise sufficient funds for the purchase.

By law, up to 85,000 baby pups and 6,000 adult males known as bulls may be killed during this bloody period.

And amazingly, the 85,000 limit exceeds by approximately 18,000 the number of seal pups alive on July 1 and thus annihilates all living pups in the colony.

Before we continue, let’s learn more about the gentle, intelligent Cape Fur Seal from Seal Alert South Africa founder Mr. Francois Hugo, who has compassionately spent the past 10 years rescuing, protecting and caring for these precious animals.

For more details on Seal Alert SA's rescue efforts, please visit sealalertsa.wordpress.com
Or contact Francois Hugo at sasealion@wam.co.za
+27-21-790 8774

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