Dr. Zareen Patel - A kutya angyalok őrangyala India Puna városában (hindi nyelven)   
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Noble viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s show features Dr. Zareen Patel, a vegetarian, and her haven for dogs in Pune, India.

Dr. Patel is a clinical geneticist or a physician who advises those with inherited diseases.
She is also a dedicated caregiver who tends to stray, abandoned, and homeless dogs in her city which is located nearly 100 kilometers southeast of Mumbai.

Her ancestral home sits on half a hectare of land. The space surrounding the house serves as the grounds of the shelter. The haven features veterinary services and an outreach program which helps the canine residents find loving homes.

To contact Dr.Zareen Patel:
TEL: +91-20-26361324

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