Megvilágosító szórakozás
A béke elősegítése kulturális cserekapcsolatokkal a Szentföldön (arabul)   

Greetings gracious viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master
Television. While esteemed statesmen and women are making encouraging progress in peace talks
between Israel and Palestine, many civil organizations and artists are also contributing to the endeavor. Today, please join us as we listen to the voices of Palestinian people who present their culture and wishes to the world through the work they do.
Let’s meet Youssef, a Palestinian taxi driver, one of Supreme Master Television’s friends and guides who kindly assisted us during the filming on location.

Youssef (m):
Some Arabs people, Muslims people, they put their hat when they come back from Mecca – why do I like this – they cover the, the, the whole head up to here. That’s also traditional.
Not everybody uses nowadays actually. But Jewish people, they use it, and even though
they use the kippah, and they use another hat, to cover also.

We asked Youssef how he thought lasting peace could be reached.

Youssef (m):
It depends on us, people to people, Jewish and Arabs. According to the whole situation nowadays, the peace is needed for both sides, even for the people, even for them, keep their lives, and keep
their families, and society and the whole thing, to make it kind of peace, at least something like quiet, at least.

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