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Kohisztán - Pakisztán gyönyörű hegyvidéke (urdu nyelven)   

Welcome, distinguished viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment.
Today, we will visit the marvelous region of Kohistan in northwestern Pakistan. Kohistan, which means 『Land of Mountains,』 is a unique district of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.
It is known for its beautiful mountain scenery with lush green forests and meadows.The great Indus River divides Kohistan into two parts. The eastern part is called Indus Kohistan, and
the western part is called Swat Kohistan.
The land is also traversed by the Karakoram Highway which is the highest paved international road in the world, reaching an elevation of 4,693 meters!
The Karakoram Highway traces one of the paths of the ancient trade route and connects Pakistan
with China. Kohistan is the meeting point of the mountain regions Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalayas. With its rich flora and fauna, Kohistan is home to unique species such as the Western Tragopan pheasant and the snow leopard. The people of Kohistan live simply and joyfully.
They welcome their guests with warm hospitality.

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