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Habib Qaderi: Afganisztán dicséretének megéneklése - 1/2 rész (dari nyelven)    1. rész

Habib Qaderi rise to international fame and success came through his wonderful musical talent
and dedication to his craft. With a charismatic stage presence and melodious voice, Habib has won over the hearts of audiences in the Afghan community the world over. From romantic ballads to poetic ghazals, Habib strives to share the beauty and culture of his homeland through lovely songs.

Throughout the years, Habib has had the opportunity to share the stage with respected artists such as Ustad Mawash, Nashnaas, Faiz Qaderi, Laila Ferouhar and many others.
Since 1994, Habib Qaderi has produced 8 music albums that have been widely acclaimed. His debut album reached sales in more than six countries.

With the release of the album titled, “Golden Dream”, Habib instantly rose to stardom. The songs on this album became popular hits and were broadcast on television and radio station throughout Afghanistan.
For his singing talent and overall showmanship as an entertainer, Habib Qaderi has earned numerous accolades, including 2003 Best Artist of the Year, 2005 Award for Bestselling Album, and 2008 Best Influential Artist of the Decade by Noor TV.

His song, “Praise Allah”was recognized with as the 2008 Best Religious Song of the Year by Noor TV and “Kajak Abro”was honored with the 2008 Best Music Video of the Year Award from Ariana Television. Tolo TV, the largest television station in Afghanistan, as well as Ariana Television have also presented Habib Qaderi with awards for his efforts as a musician in promoting the Afghan community abroad.
He has also been recognized for his humanitarian efforts by the Afghan Student Association for his outstanding service and dedication towards helping children in Afghanistan.

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