Megvilágosító szórakozás
Románia elegáns üvegműves művészete (románul)   

My name is Stéphane Dion. I am the Deputy of the Saint-Laurent–Cartierville. This is my museum, in the sense that it belongs to me, in the sense that it is in my county. I am very proud of it. This year we have a Romanian exhibition.

Natalie(f): (In English)
Hi, my name is Natalie and I am here to visit the Romanian glass expo – very beautiful!
This is my first time ever seeing work like this and I’m intrigued and inspired so enjoy for yourself. I know I will, thank you.

Romania has a long tradition of making glass ornaments. The sophisticated techniques of glass making, such as glass blowing and glass fusing, have been passed from generation to generation. With the country’s
fine sand, the artisans produce beautiful glassware with great creativity. While their high-quality glassware is functional, it also adds warmth and style to homes. Now, Ms. Madalina Munteanu, the representative of the Romanian glassware company, Artgeorgies, will introduce to us the colorful world of Romanian glass art.

Madalina(f): (In English)
I think it started in Romania as being unique, after that it was brought to Europe and America. And after that, this type of work started being used by different other companies. But this type of work has a lot of fineness and uses a very good quality glass. Usually, if you put together two glasses from different companies,
with this kind of product, you can see very well the quality of glass that is used by the art.

It’s a very fine glass, and it’s a very unique art work, that the client has the possibility to use it in his own home, in his own environment.

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