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Greetings, loving viewers, and welcome to today’s Shining World Award edition,
featuring three heroes whose life-saving actions are truly inspirational. The first is Father Thomas
Remedios Fernandes, a Catholic priest from Goa Province of India, who rescued
3 drowning youths. They were parishioners from Father Fernandes’ church.

Friend of Father Fernandez (m):
Yes, they were gone for the picnic on that day. It was on Sunday, so they left in the morning.
And it was after the lunch that the girls want to have a bath in the water.
So then suddenly the screaming started. Father just went in the water to come get them out of the water. So, after getting them out of the water, he came up and he fell.
He was a good swimmer. And the situation was that he had to save these three children.
So after it was like a very hard situation there in the water and his body also got very much tired, maybe.

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