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Ramadan - egy időszak a spirituális és erkölcsi megújulásra (arabul)   

We are entering the holy and joyful month of Ramadan, observed by millions of Muslims around the world. It is the special month when the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.Ramadan is rich with multiple meanings, as explained by our Muslim friends from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

(In Arabic)
Muslimfather 1(m): The fasting month is the one in which its first part is for mercy. The second, The second is for forgiveness. And the third is for getting free from hell.

(In Arabic)
Muslimfather 2(m): In the name of God, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God.
Ramadan is the only month in the year that has good deeds and blessings. The role of the Muslim is in the “night getting up” and fasting. That is, fasting during the day, getting up at night and reading the Qur’an.

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