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A blind man is restored to sight. The deceased is raised to life. Mortals see Heaven before their very eyes. The holy script-xures are full of miracles experienced and witnessed by those in the presence of  great enlightened Masters.
Do unexplainable events we call miracles still happen?Through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving guidance in the Quan Yin practice of meditation, members of our Association worldwide have encountered their own
extraordinary incidents in their daily lives. Such privileged moments are a true Master’s grace manifested. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often accredited her students’ miracles to their own reawakened greatness,reminding that such wonders are natural outcomes of daily contact with the Divine.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:
of course Every time you pray pray to Buddha or Jesus,yeah, miracles will happen all the time because because you are in their direction,yes, in the direction of benevolence and miracles. Yes. We are also the miracles. If we know how to tap into this miraculous power within ourselves,then we are in full power,
empowered with all miracles and all the mighty power that we can imagine of.

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 Világ Ragyogó Könyörülete Díj: Dr. Ian Clarke – Egészségügyi gondozást és változást hozni Ugandába - 1/2 rész
 A Legzöldebb Hősök Gála - 1/10 rész
 Au Lac-i (vietnámi) modern népi opera: A mennyei lámpa - 1/4 rész (Au Lac-i nyelven)
 Szeretet és viszály: Spirituális dráma - 1/4 rész (kínaiul)
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 Au Lac-i (vietnámi) modern népi opera. Arany lecke - 1/4 rész (Au Lac-i nyelven)