Megvilágosító szórakozás
“Almák és narancsok” - Amerikai vegán népdalok Bob Pyle által   

『Apples and Oranges』 Music, lyrics and vocals by Bob Pyle

Bob (m):
Apples! Oranges!
I grew up in an ethnic home
and food was everywhere Our idea of a vegetable’s
a chocolate éclair Salami,pastrami,canoli, stromboli,from livery to liverwurst
Kielbasa so lumpy,pierogis gawumpkies,
I thought that I would burst
Then one day I saw that I could choose
What’s best for me when it comes to food
And now it’s Apples and Oranges,peaches and porridges,
mangoes and marzipan,tofu frying in a pan Jelly made from eucalyptus
spread on homemade whole wheat biscuits

It took me long enough to see that it was
Apples and Oranges for me.

(Interview in English) Bob(m):
Well, I’ve been a vegan for about six years,and a vegetarian for about 20 years.
One day,when I was younger,it kind of hit me that eating meat is eating animals. I always knew that in the back of my mind. And I think most people know that in the back of their mind. But one day for some reason,I put them together that for me to eat a hamburger or a hot dog or anything like that,
is killing an animal. And I like animals and I don’t want to kill them. And when I put the two together in my mind,I decided that’s something that I don’t want to do anymore. So that’s when I became a vegetarian.

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