Felebaráti látogatás egy palesztin családnál (arabul)   

Welcome warm-hearted viewers. Today, we are going to visit the home of Mr. Ibrahim Musa
Muhammad Altaraidh and his family. They were kind enough to invite us to find out a little more about everyday
Palestinian culture. Palestinians always welcome guests, whether announced or not. Food, sweets, coffee, and warm smiles are always ready and abundantly available for visitors.Mr. Altaraidh is a talented merchant and head of his devoted Muslim household. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

(in Arabic)
Ibrahim Musa Muhammad Altaraidh, from Bani Na'im, Hebron province. I am a father of three children.
The oldest named Ali, there are two other girls, Fatima and Waed.

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