Pakisztán gazdag örökségének áttekintése Mr. Syed Ibne Abbas főkonzullal (urdu nyelven)   


Blessed be the sacred land
Happy be the bounteous realm
Symbol of high resolve Land of Pakistan!
Blessed be thou, citadel of faith

HOST: Welcome to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master Television. You have just heard an excerpt of Pakistan’s National Anthem titled,『Qaumī Tarāna.』 The song conveys the pride and love Pakistanis have for their homeland.

Today on our show,we are honored to explore this beautiful country,  her people and ancient heritage with His Excellency Mr. Syed Ibne Abbas,Consul General of Pakistan, in the Los Angeles, California, USA.

Consul General Abbas holds master degrees in both political science and international relations. He served as Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad, Pakistan from 2004 to 2006. He has held diplomatic positions for Pakistan since 1983 and has worked in Berne, Geneva, Canberra, and New Delhi. His Excellency was a Pakistan delegate for the 1997 and 2006. UN General Assembly sessions and Conference on Disarmament.

In Urdu, Pakistan means “pure land” symbolizing spiritual purity. With the Arabian Sea to the south, Pakistan is located in South Asia, neighboring Iran and Afghanistan to the west,India and China to the east.


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