Jackie Maruyama – A barátság igazi jelentése   

Halo, caring viewers. Today’s program will feature on the Shining World Compassion Award recipient, Jackie Maruyama, a compassionate mother of 10 children in Monrovia, California, USA. The story starts in July 2009 when Ms. Maruyama’s close friend passed away after delivering her baby.  

Jackie Maruyama (f): Back in July, when my very good friend Emily Taylor went in to have her son, she went in for C-section that morning, and she did fine. She recovered great. And about 12 hours later, she just all of the sudden complained she couldn’t breathe, and passed away.

HOST: The passing of Ms. Taylor was unexpected, leaving close family, relatives and friends stunned and in grief. She was the mother of four young children, including the newborn baby.

Jackie Maruyama (f): The baby survived. She had three other children. She has a 10-year-old Denise, and 6-year-old DeShaun, and a 3-year-old Devon.



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