Tông Diễn Mester - 1/2 rész (Au Lac-i nyelven)   

HOST:  The modern folk opera “Master Tông Diễn” is a famous legend about the life of a genuine spiritual practitioner. Besides his shining example of filial piety, he also demonstrated immense compassion toward all beings. Master Tông Diễn was a high level Aulacese monk who contributed to the flourishing of Buddhism under the reign of King Lê Hy Tông. Due to his brilliant virtue and selfless dedication to the Truth, Master Tông Diễn was respectfully bestowed the royal title “Seated Before the King” by His Majesty.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the modern folk opera “Master Tông Diễn” written by Venerable Thích Minh Giới. It will presented in 2 episodes, with performances by Vũ Luân as Master Tông Diễn, Phượng Loan as the Elderly Lady, Bình Tĩnh in the role of Master Tông Diễn as a child, and other artists.

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