Spirituális történetek: "Másokat szeretni, az önmagunkat szeretni" & "Az öreg koldusasszony bölcsessége"   

Since ancient times, stories and storytelling have played an integral part in imparting moral and universal messages. In particular, spiritual parables have helped us understand more clearly what to do on the path toward self mastery.

In her worldwide lecture, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often selected and shared narratives from various cultures to shed further light on valuable lessons for our inner development. Her delightful, relaxing and witty style of storytelling enhances the Divine wisdom she conveys. Some of these discussions have been gathered and published into books, one of which is an illustrated volume titled, “God Takes Care of Everything.”

Today, let us enjoy two of these memorable tales based on the renditions told by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The first story is titled “Loving Others is Loving Ourselves.”

It was told by Supreme Master Ching Hai during a lecture given at Harvard University, USA, on October 28 1989.

Our second story is called “The Wisdom of an Old Beggar Woman” and comes from the anthology book, “Gods Takes Care of Everything.”

It was told by Supreme Master Ching Hai during a gathering with our Association members on August 27, 1994, in Austin, Texas, USA.




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