Malawi – Lépések egy nemzet jólétének emelésére   

Mr. Reagan Kaluluma is the child development officer of Malawi’s Ministry of Gender, Child Welfare and Community Services. He is also the Program Manager of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Scheme National Secretariat.

This is a unique social protection program which provides financial assistance to the lowest-income families. As a result, many citizens have been lifted from poverty and hunger, and empowered to help themselves live a better life. As the manager of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Program, Mr. Reagan Kaluluma ensures that those most in need are assisted. The program is implemented through a number of district assemblies, the local administrators who implement the services.

Households that are the most in need are defined as those that have limited basic needs and no reliable means to work to earn a living. In many of these cases, the head of the household is an elderly person, a child under age 18, or someone who is chronically ill. Thanks to the Social Cash Transfer Program, however, such families have found hope.

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