canine Floyd Henry provides an early detection of breast cancer. - 8 May 2011  
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Three years ago, sensitive Floyd Henry repeatedly pawed at a specific spot on the right breast of caregiver Ms. Carol Witcher of Atlanta, the United States.

The perceptive dog also made direct eye contact with Ms. Witcher, which she felt was his attempt to communicate that there was a problem there.

Ms. Witcher then sought medical help and cancer was found on exactly that spot. Due to early detection and treatment, Ms. Witcher is now cancer free. About Floyd Henry’s intervention, she said, “I'm here today, I know,
because of the grace of God, and that dog.”

A standing ovation, Floyd Henry, for your wonderful abilities and care of your good friend. We are delighted to hear you are fine, Ms. Carol Witcher. May the two of you have many more joyous years together, sharing precious love messages, with God’s blessings.

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