Family alcoholism can lead to next-generation obesity - 20 Feb 2011  
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Family alcoholism can lead to next-generation obesity. A study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri, USA has found that people with family histories of alcoholism were more likely to be obese themselves, especially women. The study also showed that the link between the two is getting stronger, with the risk of becoming obese for those with alcoholism in their family being higher in this decade than last. Study author Dr. Richard Grucza stated that this amplified risk could go beyond genetic predisposition to being influenced by environmental changes such as different choices of food. He went on to say that much of what is consumed today, especially the combination of sugar, salt and fat, affects the same area of the brain as addictive drugs and alcohol.

Many thanks, Dr. Grucza and Washington University School of Medicine associates for your work showing a link between familial alcoholism and obesity. May such awareness foster an ever quicker change to alcohol-free lifestyles to offer greater legacies of health to our children.
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