Gesund leben
Ein Welt ohne Diabetes – Teil 1/2   
Teil 1
Teil 2

Welcome admirable viewers to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. The World Health Organization reports that globally more than 220 million people have diabetes and more than one million die each year from the condition.

In short diabetes is a global epidemic.To raise awareness of how to prevent diabetes and ways those with the condition can live life to the fullest, the US-based non-profit organization the American Diabetes Association started American Diabetes Month which is observed each November in the USA.

In honor of the Month, we feature a two-part program with highly respected doctors and nutritionists speaking about the causes of, and cure for, this chronic condition.  

To start, what is diabetes? Key to understanding this disease is insulin, a necessary hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin helps our bodies utilize glucose from the food we eat to generate energy. Diabetes occurs when insulin in the body is not used properly, is insufficient, or is not produced at all.

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