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Bodhi Golden Chef Award: Excellence in Vegan Epicure - (In Chinese)   
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The Bodhi Golden Chef Award commemorates vegan culinary excellence through a prestigious cooking competition held in Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) every year. It not only sets the stage for culinary stars, it is also an important annual event in the Formosa (Taiwan) culinary business.

The participants include famous chefs from top restaurants, culinary students, and every day citizens.
They come together every year to produce more than 100 courses of creative vegan dishes. The Bodhi Golden Chef Award is sponsored by the Great Compassion and Life Protection Center with the purpose to encourage vegan culinary talents and promote vegan culture.

This year, organizer Ms. Chen Ruei-Jen presented the slogan “Caring for Life, Be Veg to Save the Earth” in the hope that everyone can be veg to put a stop to global warming.

Chen, Ruei-Jhen (f):I organized this competition originally because there were more and more culinary schools in Formosa (Taiwan) of all levels,including high schools, professional schools,and even colleges.
But I felt very sad because those teenagers were taught to kill chickens, fish, etc. by their teachers every day.
When I saw my friends teaching those children, I felt so bad. I thought that since I was promoting vegetarianism, I should sow more seeds in schools so that these would-be cooking experts would turn to vegetarian cooking.

We are all responsible for the crisis on Earth. I organized the competition at this time in the hope that the contestants and teachers from different schools will start to know that it’s important to cut carbon emissions and save energy to save the planet.