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Salmon farms leave waters tainted and devoid of life - 30 Jun 2010  
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Salmon farms leave waters tainted and devoid of life.
A recent study by German researchers from the renowned Max Planck Institute’s Dynamics and Organization Department found that salmon farming creates environmental disaster, worse even than previously understood.
The team had been navigating waters off the coast of Chile to study communication among whales when they came across a series of oceanic salmon farms. Analysis of water samples in the region found them to be shockingly empty of life. Team leader Dr. Heike Vester also observed that they were clouded by fish feces and uneaten food, and emitted a sharp odor of chlorine.

Moreover, nets surrounding the farms were trapping and strangling sea lions and other marine life, while acoustic measurements revealed that engine noise from supply vessels and other machinery used to feed the salmon was interfering with the communication systems of whales and porpoises. 

Dr. Vester and Max Planck Institute team, we appreciate your work in revealing the ecological threat of salmon farms. Let us join in new awareness to restore the oceans’ natural balance by choosing sustainable lifestyles that support all life. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often highlighted the need to preserve living environments for both land and sea, as during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Fish farms are like on-land factory farms. They have similar problems environmentally, with impacts that include polluting the bodies of waters. The farmed fish are contained in big netted areas off the ocean shores with uneaten food, fish waste, antibiotics, or other drugs and chemicals
that pass into the surrounding waters where they harm our ecosystems and pollute our drinking sources.
Depleting wild fish stocks also. Fish like salmon that are eaten by humans are usually fed huge amounts of other fish like anchovies. This practice also endangers sea animals, like sea lions and birds.

Fish are God’s creations that we should also care for, respect, protect, not to eat. Once we start thinking in this way, we are in a better position for ourselves, for the fish and for the planet.

2nd annual Vegan Earth Day celebrated with a Planet-Fest.
On Sunday, June 27, concerned citizens and non-profit organizations gathered in Fountain Valley, California, USA for the exciting Planet-Fest, held in honor of Vegan Earth Day. Launched by Bob Linden of Go Vegan Radio, the event had the support of many vegan and veg-advocate celebrities with the slogan “Sing, Dance, Laugh, Eat, Go Green, and Save the Planet.”

Bob Linden, Host of Go Vegan Radio, founder of Vegan Earth Day – Vegan (M): Meat and dairy cause global warming, and deforestation, and resource depletion, and desertification, and soil erosion. Everything that is wrong with the planet can actually be traced to meat and dairy. So we need a Vegan Earth Day where we ask everyone on Earth to go vegan, for good, to save the Earth!

Tony Gonzalez, US National Football League (NFL) player, Atlanta Falcons (M): When you eat organic, when you eat locally, you’re helping out the planet, you’re making a statement. We only get one body so you might as well make sure you take care of it.

John Salley - 4-time champion US National Basketball Association (NBA), Vegan (M):  And I think somebody told me it was something like 9 million animals are saved by every vegan.
I was like you mean I can save animals, not have bad breath, keep my body, live longer, enjoy life if I just don’t eat or use animal products? Who wants to be down? I’m a walking example that you can be happy, you can be healthy, you can enjoy your food, you can smile all the time.

Dr. Elliot Katz - Founding president of In Defense of Animals (M): Continue to raise your voice on behalf of other species, the ones that we share our homes with, the ones that we live with, and the ones we share our planet with.

VOICE: The event featured an array of vibrant activities for attendees to enjoy, such as sampling vegan cuisine and enjoying international music from performers that included acclaimed Aulacese (Vietnamese) traditional musician and performing artist Chí Tâm, and Joanelle Romero, producer of Red Nation Television Channel.

Joanelle Romero, Producer of Red Nation Television Channel, recording artist – Vegan (F): Anything with eyes, anything that’s a feeling being, please don’t eat that. Love, love, love, love, love the animals.

Chí Tâm - Acclaimed Aulacese (Vietnamese) traditional musician & performing artist (M): Who says being veg is difficult? It’s fun to be veg for compassion, altruism, and mercy for all beings. We don’t consider killing fun; instead we eat pure vegetarian meals. A bowl of vegetable soup, soybean dip and steamed rice, let’s enjoy quickly!

Chí Tâm - Acclaimed Aulacese (Vietnamese) traditional musician & performing artist (M): I’d like to encourage everyone, if there's a chance, we should eat less meat to protect both our body, and the environment.

VOICE: Hats off to Bob Linden and all caring participants of Planet-Fest for another successful Vegan Earth Day! Events such as these are surely hastening our advancement toward an era of wholesome fulfillment as more and more people embrace the life-affirming vegan lifestyle.

Tony Gonzalez, National Football League (NFL) player, tight end (TE) for the Atlanta Falcons (M): Hey, what’s up, I’m Tony Gonzalez from the Atlanta Falcons and want to tell you: Be Veg, Go Green
2 Save Our Planet!

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