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Concerned advocates urge for preservation of the world’s whales.- 19 Jun 2010  
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Concerned advocates urge for preservation of the world’s whales.
Organizations such as the Animal Welfare Institute, Humane Society International, and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society have come together to support the longstanding and proven success of a ban on whaling that was originally approved by the International Whaling Committee (IWC) in 1984.

With the Committee meeting next week in Morocco to consider lifting this moratorium, these animal welfare groups have highlighted the importance of upholding the ban to protect the long-term survival of whales.  
Wendy Elliott, Species Manager for World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International also stated that the primary historical threat to whales has been whaling. 

 IWC Preview Press call 06-16-10 Wendy Elliott, Species Manager, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International (f): Most of the great whales that are listed as threatened by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) are threatened specifically because of previous whaling activities.
They were driven to such low levels by previous whaling that they haven’t been able to recover. The second element I wanted to talk about was science in the deal.
It was essentially a lack of taking into account the science that led previous whaling activities to drive most species to near extinctions.  This is exactly what we need to avoid happening again.

VOICE:  To further clarify the benefits of the whaling ban, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has published online statistics documenting its success and the estimated hundreds of thousands of lives that have been saved. 

Based on these facts, Humane Society International Vice President Kitty Block, commented, “What we should be concentrating on is not lifting the successful ban that we currently have, but working harder on ways to … stop this cruel and unnecessary practice once and for all.”

Heaven bless and many thanks Ms. Wendy Elliott, Ms. Kitty Block, European Parliament members, global whale advocates and all the concerned animal welfare organizations for your dedication to protecting precious marine life.

We pray for wise leadership in the International Whaling Committee meeting to aid in sustaining the fragile balance of the beautiful ocean and her inhabitants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has long encouraged humanity toward a deeper understanding and appreciation of the gifts shared by our animal co-inhabitants, as in an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The animals are truly noble, gentle beings, selfless, and in harmony with one another, the environment, and with Heaven. Their role has always been since time immemorial to bring love and blessing to the world with their pure presence. If we would only stop harming and torturing them
and killing them, and give them a chance to fulfill their God-given mission, then our planet will be saved and will be kept in splendor.

They wait on the sidelines in full support of humans, for the day they can be our friends again, truly, not our victims. On that day of peacemaking between humans and animals, our eyes may begin to be opened to our co-inhabitants’ true magnificent roles on Earth.


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