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United Nations climate change talks held in Bonn. - 14 Jun 2010  
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United Nations climate change talks held in Bonn.
From May 31 to June 11, approximately 4,500 participants met in subsidiary groups of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, for further discussions leading up to the major December conference in Cancun, Mexico. Supreme Master Television’s correspondent brought this report from Bonn, Germany.

German correspondent (M): We're here in Bonn, Germany, where delegates of more than 180 countries convened for a new round of climate change talks. Focuses included emissions reduction commitments of industrialized countries, building the capacity of developing countries to measure emissions from
deforestation, and others.

VOICE: While commending the progress made in initial sessions, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer highlighted the necessity of continuing intense negotiation efforts.

Yvo de Boer - UNFCCC Executive Secretary (M): The fact remains that industrialized country pledges fall well short of that minus 25-40% range the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) says gives us a 50% chance to keep global temperature increase below two degrees.

Take all current pledges and plans from all countries, and we still won’t stop emissions growing in the next 10 years.

Correspondent (M): Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association also joined to advocate the fastest, most effective measure to stop global warming – an organic vegan diet and policy.

Daniela Tarizzo – Program Officer, UN Convention to Combat Desertification; Vegan (F): What you are doing is providing true information. Going vegan is definitely one of the solutions.

VOICE: Delegates received informative SOS flyers and enjoyed free vegan food, while international media groups also showed interest in our Association’s activities.

Massimo Pieri – President, Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base (UN consultant) Italy; Meatfree advocate (M): No meat, no animal, very good!

Delegate (F): Mmm! Very nice! Thank you, I like it! Can I have a bag? (receives SOS bag) Thank you!

Matthew McGrath – BBC Environment correspondent (M): In Copenhagen, I have to say, you guys did a great service in providing sandwiches to people.

Correspondent (M): Conference participants shared their thoughts on the plant-based diet solution to climate change.

Charles Hleronyml – Scientific adviser, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (M): By adopting a vegetarian regime, you can contribute to help the planet.

Dr. Charles McNeill – Senior environment policy advisor, United Nation Development Program; Vegan (M): I am a vegan, and I’ve been very impressed by the impact on my personal health, but also perhaps even more importantly is the impact of a vegan diet on the planet.

Massimo Pieri – Physicist; Meatfree advocate (M): I dream of a world where eating animals is finished. Because we can obtain the same protein, or same energy we need from vegetables.
Killing animals is a very, very heavy responsibility, and I think there will be a world that we stop all that.

Correspondent (M): This is Supreme Master Television reporting from Bonn, Germany.

VOICE: We thank all the delegates and media involved in this summit for your concerted efforts to save our planet. Blessed be such committed endeavors in bringing meaningful outcomes for all nations, especially the much-needed organic vegan food policy.

Delegates: Be veg, go green, save the planet!

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai has long urged government leadership to halt livestock emissions as the best way to cool the planet, as in this March 2009 videoconference in Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I suggest all world leaders and governments to please promote the animal-free lifestyle and quick so that we can save our planet. We have not too much time left. This is no longer even about politics.

 It’s about the survival of ourselves and our children. If all governments encourage people toward the healthy, animal-free diet, the planet could be saved in no time. The government must make a priority, saving the planet, organic vegan farming, subsidize.

http://unfccc.int/2860.php http://unfccc.int/files/press/news_room/press_releases_and_advisories/application

Marine conservation groups call for end to bluefin tuna fishing.
With overfishing having caused at least an 85% reduction in bluefin tuna populations in the Mediterranean, the European Union Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki banned commercial fishing of the endangered species five days early, after allocated fishing quotas were exhausted.

Organizations such as Greenpeace International and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society stationed their vessels in the Mediterranean to help save the species from further demise through illegal fishing.
Onboard the Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace International Oceans Campaigner Oliver Knowles stated, “Bluefin tuna is on the brink of extinction, and fishing should never have taken place this year.

Scientists have shown that the only appropriate fishing quota for bluefin tuna is zero." With the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) also warning of the species’ extinction by 2012 if fisheries are not closed.

Captain Paul Watson – Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Vegan (M): Three-fourths of the tuna is taken illegally, and so our vessel, the Steve Irwin, is in the Mediterranean and we’re targeting those illegal operations.

VOICE: The bluefin tuna is a migratory fish which, like all marine wildlife, helps balance the oceans and ultimately our planet.

Paul Watson (M): Fish and other living things in the ocean are more important being a part of that diversity than they are being on our dinner plate, and if we destroy the fishes, we destroy the sea.
And if we destroy the sea, we destroy the life support system for ourselves.

VOICE: Our earnest appreciation Captain Watson, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Greenpeace International for your courageous dedication to protecting the vulnerable bluefin tuna. Let us join in respecting the lives of our marine co-inhabitants for the thriving of all beings on Earth.

Extra News
Six Nobel Peace Prize laureates call on Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to include climate change on the agenda of the approaching G20 summit in Toronto, Canada , warning of the danger of planetary warming to the world’s environment, economy, and security.

Utrecht University researchers in the Netherlands estimate that shrinking glaciers in the Himalayas and their effect on river basins in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China will cause food scarcity for 60 million people in the next few decades.  