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Accelerated coral bleaching a sign of maximum stress - 14 Sep 2010  
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Accelerated coral bleaching a sign of maximum stress.
The vast marine area in Southeast Asia known as the Coral Triangle stretches from the waters of Indonesia northward to the Philippines. It is considered a hub of marine biodiversity and is home to over three-quarters of all coral species. However, the US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch is reporting some of the worst bleaching ever seen in the region, following seven months this year
of continuous record high temperatures on both land and sea.

The bleaching process, which arises from global warming-related higher temperatures as well as increased acidification due to the water’s absorption of CO2, results in expanses of lifeless white coral structures.
This not only endangers a wide range of fish and other marine life who make their homes in the reefs, it ultimately affects the health of the ocean.

Widespread bleaching has also been reported in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, as well as many parts of Indonesia, where damage off the coast of Aceh was described by the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society as “one of the most rapid and severe coral mortality events ever recorded.”

One international team of scientists studying the process there found that 80% of some species had collapsed since an initial assessment conducted just a few months ago in May.

Meanwhile, scientists fear that another area soon to be affected is the Caribbean, where sea temperatures have been above average since January.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other international researchers, we appreciate your diligent observations of the endangerment to the world’s vital coral reefs.

As we realize the true perils of global warming from such evidence as this, may we swiftly striveto protect the balance of life for the benefit of all beings.

During a November 2008 interview on for Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed this disturbing trend, while highlighting the action needed to safeguard the coral reefs and our oceans.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : So, global warming is the greatest threat as it causes coral bleaching, or when temperature gets too high, and the corals’ important symbiotic algae is lost and exposes their white skeleton, and that's the sign of death for the coral colony.

Some scientists predict that most of the coral reefs could disappear in the near future if global warming increases.

Coral reefs are just like the forest on land. They are the protectors of 100-plus countries’ coastlines against storm surges and hurricanes. And they are also the supporters of over 25% of all marine species. So you see how important it is. And there are many more things that we have not discovered about the benefits of coral reef and marine life.

Louise (f): So, we really do need to do what we can to protect them?   
Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes. We have to stop global warming, that's what. The solution is vegetarian diet.


Small-scale water storage improves food security in Africa and Asia.
With the growing unpredictability of weather due to climate change, farmers in places like Sub-Saharan Africa, 94% of whom are entirely dependent on rainfall, have been reducing the risk of crop failure through the implementation of small-scale rain harvesting techniques.

Such well-planned storage basins and structures, sponsored by organizations like the United Nations World Food Program, have helped African growers in Zimbabwe and Niger boost their respective maize and millet yields, while farmers in India’s Rajasthan state can now provide irrigation water to grow food for 70,000 people.

In a report published by the International Water Management Institute on the topic, lead author Matthew McCartney stated, “Just as modern consumers diversify their financial holdings to reduce risk, smallholder farmers need a wide array of ‘water accounts’ to provide a buffer against climate change impacts.” 

International Water Management Institute, we appreciate this encouraging report and are thankful for the implementation efforts of organizations such as the United Nations.

Blessed be such water-preserving innovations in sustaining families and communities worldwide as we strive to restore our balance with nature.

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