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2010 is the hottest year on record so far - 3 Sep 2010  
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2010 is the hottest year on record so far.
This year is already on track to being the hottest in recorded history, according to climate scientists at the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

With July temperatures being reported as the second highest in history, the months of March, April, May, and June were each reported as the highest ever on record.

David Easterling of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center also noted the unusual finding in June that land masses across the entire globe were warm.

Moreover, 17 countries, comprising 19% of the Earth’s total land area and including northern nations such as Finland and Russia, have set new records for the most oppressive heat.

This is the largest surface area of the planet to be experiencing such unprecedented temperatures in the same year. Remarking on these alarming numbers, Dr. Mark Serreze, Director of the US National Snow and Ice Data Center stated, “The point of the matter is that global warming has not stopped.”

Kevin Trenberth, head of the climate analysis section at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), further warned that in such conditions, we should prepare for increased tropical storms, saying, “The last time it was this warm was when we had the record-breaking hurricane season that led to Katrina and Rita, and we ran out of alphabet (characters).

This year the temperatures in the Atlantic are higher than they were in 2005.” Thank you all researchers and scientists for your detailed efforts to factually document the climate changes of our planet.

We pray that we may stop this dangerous cycle with our every effort to shift towards sustainable living. During a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of such adverse global warming effects as temperature increases, highlighting at the same time an effective and swift way to reverse them.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some of the global warming effects that we hear about are a continued rise in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature, warming of the ocean, along with acidification, more frequent and stronger storms, prolonged droughts and intensified heat waves, soil desertification, plant and animal extinctions, and even melting of permafrost, which could trigger massive releases of more methane gas! That would be catastrophic beyond
an unthinkable scale. 

But the livestock , that is the number one source of global warming worldwide; and methane is the primary greenhouse gas generated by livestock.

So, I repeat: The number one source of global warming is from our consumption – killing of all the cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, eggs, dairy.  According to calculations they performed, they concluded that eating a vegan diet for a year is more effective at cooling the planet than driving a hybrid vehicle for the same period of time.

Another good news about this simple dietary solution is that methane, as a greenhouse gas, also dissipates quickly from the atmosphere. So, eliminating livestock production as this major source of methane is thus one of the fastest ways to cool our planet.


Extra News
Nobel laureate and US theoretical physicist, Dr. Walter Kohn states that a combination of dwindling oil and gas reserves together with the reality of global warming are shifting the focus to sustainable sun and wind, making them the world’s next major sources of energy.

Environmental officials in India turn down a bauxite mining proposal by UK-based Vedanta Resources for the Niyamgiri Hills of Orissa state, saying that it could harm the environment and the mountains, which are sacred to indigenous Kondh Primitive Tribal Groups.


US Vice President Joseph Biden states that the Recovery Act, which is allocating US$100 billion toward areas such as alternative energy and smart electrical grids, seeks to double sustainable energy production by 2012 and reduce solar power costs by half by 2015.