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US students eat vegetarian lunch to protect the rainforest - 16 Feb 2009  
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After learning about the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest to raise meat, fourth graders at Hampstead Academy in New Hampshire, USA enlisted their parents to help them cook a special vegetarian lunch as a fundraiser. Proceeds were donated to the Rainforest Alliance Network for their “Protect-An-Acre” program, which helps those living in forest communities safeguard the land. The students were particularly concerned for the welfare of native animals such as the okapi, whose habitats are being lost to cattle raising.

We laud your green efforts, Hampstead students, teachers and parents for this innovative lives-saving endeavor! We wish you many more such delicious meat-free meals, to safeguard the life-giving forests and all their precious inhabitants.

In a videoconference with our Association members in New York, USA in July 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of a world that is saved and beautified through compassion and harmonious living with all beings.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If you continue the way you’re doing, then it will give more hope. If the world population joins in the vegetarian circle, at least two-thirds of them, and green technology and conserving forests and plant trees, etc. or organic farming as well, a frugal lifestyle, every little effort helps along. Also keep envisioning the positive picture of the good world, the world that you want it to be, where everyone lives in peace, in love and safety. A vegan world, a Heavenly abode, where all beings enjoy life without fear of one another, where all are treated with kindness and due respect. Just envision all that.