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Ancient mega-drought parched Africa and Asia. - 17 Mar 211  
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Ancient mega-drought parched Africa and Asia.
New research by an international team of scientists indicates that a catastrophic drought that occurred some 15,000 years ago dramatically affected humans in ancient Africa and southern Asia, and may indicate what future droughts could be like if global warming continues to worsen.

Dr. Curt Stager of Paul Smith's College, New York USA led the study, which analyzed sediment cores from lakes in Africa to establish ancient climate conditions in what was one of the most intense and extensive dry periods in the history of modern humans.

During the mega-drought, Africa's legendary Lake Victoria and other water bodies dried up as the Nile, Congo and other major rivers shriveled. Although the cause of this massive change in climate is not known, the scientists say that the timing could link it to an occurrence known as the Heinrich Event 1 (H1), which coincided with a huge release of icebergs and melt-water that caused regional cooling as they entered the North Atlantic Ocean but also led to prolonged droughts in the tropics.

Our appreciation, Dr. Stager and colleagues on this study of past climate change which aids our understanding of the planet's current situation. May we avert such drastic impacts to all life on the planet by quickly turning to effective eco-protecting ways.

During a January 2011 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke about mega-drought conditions being repeated now along with their root cause.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: As you know already from scientific news reports, we have tens of thousands of people hungry due to the Amazon drought.

Also, such a severe, they call “mega-drought,” usually occurs only once in many decades, or century. Now, the latest one is only several years ago, five years ago, scientists say that droughts related to global warming are very different from normal droughts.

They are more permanent, more severe, and irreversible Trees die, not only the oldest ones, but of all ages, even the young ones, and all sizes. Regions most vulnerable are the US Southwest, southeast Asia, eastern South America, Western Australia, southern Europe, southern Africa, and northern Africa. And if we continue to live our lives the way most people do right now, it will get worse and worse.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Karma (retribution) changes so fast because we create new patterns of karma (retribution) all the time and that, in turn, affects the weather, and the weather affects us, of course. And all this are due to the consequences of the way we live our lives. Not benevolent enough.

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