Solutions - Organic Vegan Farming
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  • Organic farming methods help rebuild and replace carbon in the soil. (A study presented by Professor John Crawford at the recent Carbon Farming Conference held in New South Wales, Australia)
  • If all tillable land were turned into organic vegetable farmland, not only would people be fully fed, but up to 40% of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could be absorbed. This is in addition to the elimination of over 50% of emissions caused by livestock raising. (Rodale Institute, 2008)
  • Land used for meat production could also be returned to its natural state, which in turn helps quickly absorb vast quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere. (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
  • Changes in farming practices, such as greater efficiency in livestock farming methods and better manure management, are not sufficient to meet the UK’s 2030 goals for greenhouse-gas emissions. A reduction in meat and dairy production and consumption would more effectively mitigate global warming while improving public health and saving lives. (The Health Benefits of Tackling Climate Change.The Lancet, 2009)
  • Livestock emission reduction plans, such as providing different food sources for animals and using manure for fuel, have been found to reduce emissions only by a few percent and in fact could create more food quality and ethics problems. (a decade-long study by New Zealand’s AgResearch) Meat and dairy consumption must be reduced to significantly minimize livestock emissions. (UK Food Ethics Council Executive Director Tom MacMillan)
  • METHANE CAPTURE for energy an inadequate plan.
    • The proposal to capture methane from livestock manure in factory farms is wholly insufficient, because:
      • Most of the methane is from enteric fermentation - over three times the amount from manure.
      • The system is not often technically or cost- feasible.
      • Digester systems are implemented usually on farms that collect large amounts of liquid manure daily.
      • The many serious environmental problems caused by factory farms are still unaddressed, and more than negate any benefit from methane capture.
        • Global warming / Greenhouse gas emissions
        • Biodiversity loss
        • Excessive water, food, antibiotic and fossil fuel use
        • Air, water, soil pollution
        • Unhygienic bacteria and virus breeding grounds

Nguồn liệu
  1. Crawford, J. (2009). Can Soil Choose To Sequester Carbon? Unpublished presentation on Carbon Farming & Expo. New South Wales, Australia, November 4-5th, 2009. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  2. Hough, A. (2010, Feb 3). Britain facing food crisis as world’s soil ‘vanishes in 60 years’. The Telegraph. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  3. LaSalle, T. J. and Hepperly, P. (2008). Regenerative Organic Farming: A Solution to Global Warming. Rodale Institute. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from Rodale Institute website
  4. Stehfest, E., Bouwman, L., van Vuuren, D.P., den Elzen, M.G.J., Eickhout, B. and Kabat, P. (2009, February 4). Climate benefits of changing diet. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  5. The Health Benefits of Tackling Climate Change. (2009). The Lancet. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  6. Methane Sources and Emissions (2010, June 22). U.S. EPA. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  7. FAQ: How do animal wastes create methane emissions? (2010, October 19). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  8. Tieman R. (2010, January 26). Livestock: Burping cow is just part of the problem. An article on a decade-long study by New Zealand’s AgResearch. Financial Times. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  9. Meat consumption trends and environmental implications (2007). U.K. Food Ethics Council. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from

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  Solutions - Other Considerations 
 Solutions - Organic Vegan Diet