Para o amigo beber mais água
Hoje, eu vou compartilhar com vocês uma dica sobre incentivar o seu amigo felino a beber mais água. É muito importante para os gatos beber uma quantidade suficiente de água. Se a água estiver fluindo, os gatos serão mais atraídos para beber. Por conseguinte, aqueles de vocês que tenham companheiros gatos, a sugestão é comprar uma pequena fonte que funciona a bateria, com a água constantemente rotativa. Seu gato provavelmente vai beber mais, e também adorar vê-lo.
Se você adora milho na espiga tanto como eu, aqui vai uma dica para torná-lo ainda mais delicioso. Quando ferver milho na espiga, se acrescentarmos apenas uma pitada de açúcar natural, isso irá ajudar a soltar a própria doçura do milho.
Para menos emissões de carbono
Flipy o Pinguim: Olá, sou Flipy o Pinguim.
Flipo o Pinguim: E eu sou o Flipo Penguin. Flipy e eu vamos tirar umas férias, e desejamos compartilhar uma dica ecológica de viagem com vocês.
Flipy o Pinguim: Sim, Flipo e eu vamos de trem para menos emissões de carbono!
Flipo o Pinguim: Claro que sim! E você sabe de uma coisa? Viajar de trem é uma relaxante maneira de ver a paisagem, sem ter de conduzir.
Flipy o Pinguim: Ah, Flipo, tudo isso soa muito bem!
Flipo o Pinguim: Essa é a nossa dica de hoje.
Fácil de lavar sua frigideira
Sou a Ovelha Lamberta com a dica de hoje. No caso de sua frigideira ou panela inadvertidamente queimar, basta adicionar uma ou duas gotas de detergente e água suficiente para cobrir o fundo da panela, e levar a uma ebulição no seu fogão. Então, seria muito fácil de lavar sua frigideira ou panela para ficarem limpas e brilhantes.
Para uma fragrância refrescante
Olá, sou Bearnard o Urso. Para uma refrescante fragrância, você pode passar algumas gotas do seu óleo essencial favorito sobre meias de algodão e colocá-las no secador com seus lençóis e toalhas. Lavanda é relaxante; hortelã é revitalizante!
Halo, beautiful viewers, I’m JennyPurrrr the Cat. I have a tip to share with you today about conserving energy. Before leaving home for your winter vacation, please remember to turn down the thermostat or use a programmable one, so you can save energy and resources. You can also install outdoor and indoor light fixtures with timers, so lights don’t stay on all night.
Animal companions during winter
. I’m Clucky the Chicken, and today I would like to share a tip with you on taking care of your beloved animal companions during winter. If you live in a climate where there is snow, or if salt is put on the sidewalks or roads to avoid slipping on ice, please remove the snow and salt from their paws immediately upon coming into the house. A cloth dipped in warm water will be very soothing for them, and then please make sure your sweet animal companion is nice and warm.
Halo, I’m Rufie the Dog. Today I would like to share a cooking tip with you. Did you know that ground almonds can be used in place of breadcrumbs in almost any dish? Unpeeled almonds have a high content of vitamin E and add a delicious flavor.
Halo, I’m Skippy the Rabbit. Many local grocery stores are now helping to protect the environment by offering alternatives to plastic bags. And more shoppers than ever before are taking their own cloth bags to the grocery store. Please help preserve our beautiful planet by using your own eco-friendly bag.
Halo everyone, I’m Oinky the Piglet. Today I’m going to share a tip with you about going shopping with young ones. Children are naturally inquisitive, so they may want to touch some of the beautiful items in the store. You can help your child to hold the item safely, or explain that it can be viewed, but not touched, if that is the way the store prefers.
Halo, beautiful viewers. I’m Mooyi the Cow. If you are spending a lot of time at the computer, it’s good to take time off at least every one hour or so. You may want to get up and walk around, and then come back to your work refreshed. That’s our simple tip for today
I’m Shellie the Turtle with some tips on welcoming animal friends in your garden. Birds like running water, so a fountain that circulates water may bring you feathered friends. Trees, shrubs and flowers that have fruits or seeds are attractive to birds and butterflies, who might come by visit.
I’m Billy the Goat, with a tip on washing the kitchen sink the natural way. You can make a paste with water and corn flour, then rub it all over the sink with a cloth. Leave it for a few minutes; then rinse it off with water afterwards. Your sink will be shining fresh and clean.
The environment and recycle
I’m M’Caw the Parrot, with a tip that is friendly to the planet. These days, many people are doing their part to help protect the environment and recycle whenever they can. This includes cell phones when they’re no longer in use. In many countries, there are non-profit organizations that recycle the phones, and the funds generated are donated to a charity. So please, find out if there is something similar in your country..
I’m Lionardo the Lion with a tip on how to care for a new puppy. Little puppies need a lot of sleep, so it’s a good idea to leave them to rest whenever they feel tired. You could set up a nice cozy little bed for your puppy, where he or she is all warm and snug. If he’s a short haired puppy, a few blankets will be much appreciated by your sweet canine friend.