We sincerely thank the European Union for your noble leadership that extends beyond borders in protecting the health and well-being of those in need throughout the world. Following are some of the European Unions shining examples of goodness, generosity, and unconditional brotherly love in action.
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- Iran and the European Union resume and successfully complete nuclear talks.
- European Union progressively reduces peace keeping forces with improved peace in the Balkans.
- European Commission stated it would financially support measures re-uniting Greek and Turkish Cypress.
- European Union seeks best approaches to assist Somalia find peace and stability.
- European Union supports peace keeping in Somalia with 15 million euros.
- European Union contributes 103 million to Cte dIvoire for the countrys peace development.
- European Union re-establishes relations with Palestinian government, including Hamas.
- European Union representative meets Iran delegate to discuss stabilizing of situation in Iraq.
- European Union hosts meeting to support Arab Mideast peace initiative.
- The European Union and the US urge for a peaceful solution between Turkey and Iraq.
- EU visits Lebanon, calls for stability and offers support.
- European Union reduces troops in Bosnia-Hercegovina after helping to keep peace since 2002.
- The European Union and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) join hands in pursuing peace.
- European Union oversees the peace process, offering Aceh Freedom Movement (GAM) a political voice.
- European Union considers ban on all indoor smoking in public areas to end passive smoke effects.
- European Commission gives priority to climate change issues at June 2007 G8 Summit.
- European Union Commissioner asks Germany to impose speed limits to help reduce global warming.
- European Union encourages businesses to get involved in preserving our Earths ecosystem.
- Compliance with European Unions renewable power specifications leads Italy to double its wind energy supply.
- European Unions example inspires Moscow to introduce food labeling for non-genetically modified ingredients.
- European Union Donates US$3.5 million to bring solar power to low-income communities in Honduras.
- European Union passed a directive requiring all EU countries to ban tobacco ads in all publications.
- The European Union promises more carbon cuts after United Nations climate report.
- The European Commission gives financial support to the Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias (ITC), to help with renewable energy projects.
- Europes rail transport system receives a boost with new efficient high-speed TVG service.
- European Union engages business community to protect biodiversity and save the planet.
- To help curb greenhouse gas emissions, all airlines coming or going from European Union airports are now asked to participate in the EU's carbon-trading scheme.
- By 2010, countries in the European Union are expected to obtain 22% of their energy needs from renewable energy.
- European Parliament recently recommended a series of initiatives which will directly impact town planning improvements.
- The European Union promotes green energy by hosting green Energy Globe Awards.
- The European Unions sets higher standards to identify and prevent polluting substances from ships in all seas and to any ship calling on European ports.
- European Commission plans to reduce power station and domestic grid emissions 50% by 2050.
- The European Union raises car emission guidelines and provides tax incentives to manufacturers.
- European Union member countries embrace energy saving strategy to reduce emissions.
- European Union employs regulations requiring electronics manufacturers to provide free disposal of consumer waste.
- European Union sponsors first Sustainable Energy Week.
- European Union Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals [REACH] law is designed to provide environmentally safe ingredients to 30,000 commonly used products, from soap to baby food.
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We thank you again Europe for all that you do. May heaven continue to bless the European Union with success in your noble mission, to bridge global relationship and bring peace and happiness to all co-inhabitants on our planet.
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