SILSILAH KITA YANG MULIA Masa Depan Pendidikan: Pembelajaran Berbasis Kesadaran di Universitas & Sekolah Maharishi – Bagian 1/3    Bagian ke 1
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Admirable audience, welcome to Our Noble Lineage here on Supreme Master Television. Today, we are featuring part 1 of our 3-part series focusing on the highly successful form of enlightened education,also known as conscious-based learning,at Maharishi University of Management and Schools. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,founder of Transcendental Meditation, or TM, was the inspiration behind the creation of conscious-based learning schools.

According to practitioners,“The TM technique is not a religion or philosophy and involves no change
in lifestyle. It is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice,requiring no effort,concentration
or special skills. Anyone can learn it – even children.”

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