Anak-Anak dengan Kebutuhan Khusus dan Lumba-Lumba Spesial: Kisah Planet Air - Bag.1/2    Bagian ke 1
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In our program, we can make people aware that dolphins are precious.

HOST: Hallo, noble viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today we’ll visit Water Planet in Panama City, Florida, USA, whose swim programs help people connect with dolphins through interactive experiences.

As a part of each program the Water Planet staff give participants extensive information about these amazing marine mammal friends and emphasize the need to protect and preserve them.

For children with special needs, Water Planet offers the Serenity and Harmony Programs, which use dolphin encounters as tools for healing. The youngsters may have autism, other cognitive or emotional issues or physical disabilities.

These Programs also offer art and music therapy, warm water hydrotherapy and massage. The Serenity Program emerged from a partnership with Pam and Tim Davidson, the founders of Excellence in Therapy, a practice in Roswell, Georgia, USA that offers pediatric speech, occupational and physical therapy services.
Minolaya Meulenbeek of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a professional trainer at Water Planet, now gives us more details on the Programs and explains why they provide rewarding experiences for their young guests.

Ms. Milabank: We combine therapeutic programs with wild dolphin encounters, and I think it’s really special and really unique because you see the dolphins in their own environment.

It really touched me and it’s really special because dolphins are really amazing creatures.

Ms. Milabank: Children come here with cerebral palsy, autism, developmental disorders, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), behavior problems, different kinds of mental retardation, and Down syndrome.

For more about Water Planet, please visit

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